Sunday, December 14, 2008

why, hello there.

my thoughts run about 100 mph roughly 16 hours a day. only when i’m sleeping does it get a break. i think relaxing is a nice idea and maybe when I am 90 & forced to slow down, i will learn how to put it into practice. besides, how can i relax? i’m 24 with ambitions bigger than life itself and compassion rivaling even the biggest of hearts. great qualities, or so i’m told, but without reeling them in every now and then i lose myself -- not living in today, too busy about dreaming of tomorrow & overwhelmed by worry for everything out of my control. interests??? everything from world politics to red carpet fashion catches my attention. i can’t go a day without watching sportscenter and if i don’t get a chance to enjoy my morning beauty routine with Diane & Robin from good morning america im like a star bucks junkie without their am latte. there you have a brief intro to me and here’s to more to come. my advice? sit back & buckle your seatbelt before trying to navigate through my diary of thoughts…i drive all over the road.


  1. You're a pro at this blogging thing! Great stuff, Kandice!

  2. Dont worry I tend to drive crazy too . tee hee :)

    muah !
