Tuesday, December 16, 2008

i wonder if barack likes burger king?

last night, while laying in bed watching tv, i noticed a headline scrolling across the screen "obama press conference, 11:45 AM announcing the new secretary of education” rolling over to mgb i said…i guarantee the stock market soars through closing bell.” some of you could be completely uninterested in the markets, but 2008, the election, and the volatile economy drew my interest to the world of investments -- and after watching cnbc 70% of the time, im hooked. anyway, the dow closed up roughly 360 points – financials, which is mainly what i follow – closed strong. and although i have to admit, my confidence in mr. obama has already started to falter (ill explain that later) every time the president-elect gets on live tv, the markets shoot for the stars. so for god’s sake get on tv any chance you get. of course the trick will be making the gains stick, which can’t seem to come soon enough. we’ll get a chance to see – CNN is reporting he will back on tomorrow announcing his agriculture secretary. can we get another 400 point push, pretty please?

anyway enough about that…i went to burger king today. note to self: probably the last visit for the next 10 years of my life. seems a bit dramatic, eh? well, take a look as this picture they have PLASTERED on an 8 ft poster next to their drive through window and try NOT to vomit.

really, three, no FOUR patties of “beef”? freaking disgusting. there is no reason any human should be allowed to consume that. not only did it cost them my business, but motivated me to eat a salad for lunch today and probably the rest of the week. so thank you burger king for my reminder to eat healthy. maybe try new poster/marketing campaign, something that wont remind us of how horrible fast food really is? as if the current obesity epidemic in the US isn’t proof enough.

i need to start buckling down planning for our wedding. really is it already december 16th? i cannot believe how quickly the time has passed since we were engaged in april. i feel like just yesterday i was saying, “oh we have almost two years to plan…” tick tock tick tock. speaking of the time flying by, sitting in the car waiting for mgb last night while he did his weekly video rental run (ps i hate the video store ugh!) i was looking around the parking lot. the most random thought crossed my mind. all the cars i could see in the parking lot were all new enough that my mom never saw them. wierd idea i know but sometimes i forget how long she has been gone. or how long they both have been for that matter. i try not to think about it too much – it makes me feel even further away from them. <3


  1. Well Kandice, I laughed and nearly cried while reading your post. So glad you're on here to share your insights now! Miss you and love you!

  2. Those random thoughts of your Mom are angels whispering to you that she is with you ALWAYS...where-ever you may go.

    Love you !
